Just finished listening to an excellent TED talk by Susan Cain entitled “The power of introverts”.https://www.linkedin.com/embeds/publishingEmbed.html?articleId=6956535961619752546
I self-described myself as an introvert.
I knew it since I was a child that I belong in this type and this is why: I don’t usually have a lot to say, I prefer staying in my room, reading or watching television, rather than going out socializing. I don’t appreciate crowded and noisy places, and I enjoy being alone or accompanied by a circle of friends I am most comfortable with.
Growing up, I remember a few occasions that are similar to what Susan Cain described. The first occasion happened when I was studying for my bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at UTM. I went to see a student counselor regarding my problems with peer pressure. In addition to ignoring peer pressure, the counselor advised me to form a study group because he claimed it to be the most effective way to study. But, I chose not to do it because deep down I know I wouldn’t excel using this method. The second time I visited him, I brought along my results which apparently was the best result I have achieved since my first year. He asked what was my method and I explained that I studied independently, not via a study group. He was shocked but congratulated me afterward. Although the results couldn’t help much on my CGPA (this is altogether a different story), but it was the best that I can achieve at that particular time. This explains two things. Firstly, despite being advised to use a popular method to study, I chose to use my own comfortable way in order to pull the best in me. Secondly, seeing a counselor helps to make it a bit clearer on the choices that I have and at the end, helps me to make a decision that fits with my own unique personality.
The second occasion was when I was pursuing my Master’s degree in Engineering Management at UPM. This happened during one of the classes that needed us to form a group to finish an assignment. The Professor asked us to choose our own group members, however, I have decided to voice out my preferred choice which is to do the assignment alone. In addition to knowing my own capability and personality, the fact that we all were working adults doing part-time studies at that time make it more sensible to better off doing the assignment alone. However, the professor decided to ignore my opinion and force me to form my own group with the reason that we could achieve better results by working together. Thus as a student, I was left with no choice.
The third occasion was when I first arrived in my office here in London. The office was designed with no partitions in between the desks, and the capacity of the room fits almost 20 people. This ambiance was totally not to my liking. It was too noisy and have too many movements for me that could attract my attention from doing my work. I have no choice but to fit myself in, but I have made some adjustments after knowing where and when could be the best to do my work.
These occasions confirm what Susan Cain said regarding the bias of the world today that has been designed to fit only for the extroverts. Nevertheless, I could not say that group works aren’t good for us, neither could I say that an ambiance that supports socializing is disastrous.
What I am saying is, we should be allowed to have a choice to perform many tasks using our own preferred methods.
This is simply because of our personality, which affects how we work, differs from one another.https://www.linkedin.com/embeds/publishingEmbed.html?articleId=7027347944662759267
It is a fact that an extrovert collects his/her energy from the crowd, but not the introvert who appreciates solitude more. In other words, what could be best for an extrovert, might not have the same effect on an introvert.
Thus, to conclude, we should respect and acknowledge these differences rather than using only a method that biased towards one type of personality only, which potentially results in a waste of talents.
Norpadzlihatun Manap
June, 2012