Publication My current citation metrics as of December 2024:GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Number of publications: 45 | h-index 13 | Citations: 620SCOPUS: Number of publications: 24 | h-index 9 | Citations: 293 My Google Scholar My SCOPUS My books... My e-books... Perisian Permodelan 3D untuk Rekabentuk Senibina Scientometrics Analysis Using VOSViewer Sustainable Construction Summer School@United States (US): My Personal Notes UK Host Program@Northern Ireland: My Personal Notes Confession of an Introvert My e-modules... Research Methodology Simplified (UDEMY) Scientometrics Analysis Using VOSviewer (UDEMY) Lukisan Berbantu Komputer untuk Arkitek dan Jurutera (UDEMY) Mari Belajar AutoCAD2022 Mari Belajar AutoCAD2022 (UDEMY) Energy, Water, Materials & Site: A Sustainable Construction (UDEMY) Sustainable Construction My newspaper clips... Share this website at: Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on pinterest Pinterest Share on telegram Telegram Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email Share on print Print